What Should You Know About Caring for Your Little Pekingese Puppy?
If you are considering buying a Pekingese puppy, there are a few things you should know about the breed. This ancient Chinese breed is an ideal companion dog. They weren’t bred to hunt or retrieve so if you are looking for a lap dog that is also alert and playful; the Pekingese is a perfect choice.
A new Pekingese Puppy
The Pekingese puppies are adorable – cute and cuddly. These dogs will snore, shed hair and wheeze. So only buy a Pekingese puppy if you live in a cooler climate and have time at hand to be able to groom your dog regularly. A chunky and sturdy puppy, the Pekingese is appealing and mild-tempered. But that doesn’t mean the dog will be easy to maintain! A Pekinese can get a horde of physical ailments, ranging from eye infections to skin infections. Also, these dogs are more prone to disc injuries, … Read More >>>