The Future Of Pets
Pets of the Homeless is the only national animal organization focused entirely on feeding and offering emergency veterinary care to pets of the homeless.
Americans spend about $60 billion a year on their pets. We now have, for instance, technologies that aid men and women remain connected to their animals when they’re not property. A device named the iCPooch lets men and women videoconference with their dogs (and remotely dispense treats in order to persuade them to come to the camera). In a equivalent vein, a firm called PetBot has developed a monitor that can sense when a pet approaches and record a brief video—which it then e-mails to the owner. Future versions of the device will be capable to post the videos directly to a pet’s accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Two years ago, my husband believed it would be good to surprise me with a ram, two … Read More >>>