In the past, when a pet had passed away, the family would normally hold some sort of garden memorial burial ceremony for the sake of teaching children about what happens after something or someone passes away. With the exception of some parrots, animals are not meant to be with us throughout our lives. These types of pet memorials are ritualistically similar to that of human funerals. They teach children that death is a part of life.

In some low-lying areas, communities place their dead in crypts above ground, just as the ancient Egyptians did. In other areas, for centuries, the deceased have been buried in graves. The most economical way to dispose of a body was to bury it in the ground. Coffins were created of plain wood in a rectangular type shape. At one end, the coffin was just a bit wider to accommodate the person’s shoulders. … Read More >>>

Exotic pets has that certain wild allure to pet owners that they would want to have them as household members. As you know, getting these types of animals is not an easy thing to attain as certain breeds of animals have different needs compared to the common list of domesticated pets. They can be more expensive compared to your usual bat or dog budget. Exotic pets are those that are not commonly taken care of in domestic settings like rodents, reptiles, birds, fishes, and similar special animal categories.

You should carefully keep this in mind as you are browsing the exotic animals aisle in the pet shop. If you must, you should research about you choices online so that you can know how to properly take care of them. This is much more resources consuming compared to any other kind of pet but the fulfillment is unparalleled. That … Read More >>>

Grieving the loss of a loved one can be very difficult because your pet was a constant presence in your life and your home. Grieving is hard because you had a routine with your pet: feedings, walks, sitting in the lap time, favourite treats, funny faces and tricks. Pet loss is especially painful because your loss / bond is unique: your pet loved you unconditionally, unreservedly and was always waiting at home, excited and happy to see you.

This loss can hurt worse than losing a friend.

This wasn’t just a dog or just a cat. Grieving a pet death is painful because they were part of your family.

How to Cope With Pet Loss:

– Acknowledge that this is a huge, sad event. Don’t downplay it, or shrug it off. Grieving is a process that can take months.

– Accept that you may never totally get over … Read More >>>

If you own pets (or if they own you), taking an extended RV trip without them would be unthinkable. Being able to take our pets along with us was the number 2 reason we opted for getting an RV. (I’m not sure what the number 1 reason was).

Traveling with pets can make your RVing experience very gratifying. But, if you don’t plan well for it, it can make you c-r-a-z-y! So don’t throw your pets in the RV at the last minute without considering that they are people, too, and deserve special care and attention to their needs.

Most dogs take readily to RV travel and enjoy the trip as much as other family members. As long as you stop every couple of hours and take them out for some exercise and to take care of their personal business, they are good to go. But there are … Read More >>>

After a decision has been made to euthanize your pet there are a few options open to you about handling his/her remains. You may feel it is easier on you to leave your pet at the clinic for disposal, and that is fine.

A popular option is to take your pet’s body home to bury in your garden. This is appropriate for those who own their own home. However check with council regulations because sometimes such pet burials are prohibited. If you are renting, or move house frequently this is not a good choice.

Pet cemeteries are another option. The surroundings are usually serene and the site is looked after. There is a sense of dignity, permanence and security with this option. Prices will vary depending on the services you want and the type of pet you have.

One decision that helps with what you want is whether … Read More >>>