Melissa A Smith On HubPages
In his 1915 guide to pets, Alpheus Hyatt Verrill, an American naturalist, lambasted the dog-maintaining habits of his day. There is no excuse for pampering, continuous fondling, dressing up in clothing, and other ridiculous customs,” he wrote. Dogs, Verrill insisted, should be treated like the animals they are.
When we moved to the Okanagan onto a modest acreage, we decided to have chickens. We only wanted sufficient to supply our household with eggs. We got six chicks, hubby built them a property (with sliding windows) painted white, a chain link run with a wire leading to it so they had been protected by the hawks, owls and eagles. They all grew up wellness and satisfied and laid enough each day to provide three families. 1 by one particular they grew old and died, finally leaving Henrietta. Henrietta wasn’t lonely though, she made friends with the quail and shared her feed … Read More >>>