Many people who suffer with bipolar disorder have seen the advantages of sharing their life with their pets. At times when they have been discouraged and the idea of talking or relating with another human being seemed like such a difficult challenge, the unconditional love and companionship of their pet has been a great comfort.

And while this in itself is a great benefit for animal lovers who suffer with bipolar disorder, there is still another great aspect of having a beloved pet in their life. During these lows of depression when a person with bipolar disorder has had thoughts of giving up, many times it has actually been their pet who has provided them the desire to continue on and work through the tough situation until they are again ready for some human interaction.

So what if you don’t have pets and can’t get one right at … Read More >>>

Considering all of the unique critters on the planet, which ones are the warmest, cutest, furriest, cuddliest, most entertaining and affectionate pets of all?  Well, I suppose if you ask ten different pet owners, you’ll likely get ten different answers. For me, it’s hard to beat the incredible little critter from high up in the Andes Mountains of South America, the chinchilla. And, that’s especially true of the adorable chinchilla baby. Chinchillas as pets were imported, or more likely smuggled into North America nearly a century ago, these adorable dynamos have evolved into one of the world’s most cherished pets.

The name chinchilla means “little chincha”, a name associated with the Chincha people of Peru, a group who relied heavily upon the once abundant rodent populations for both food and fur. Unfortunately, the arrival of Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century ushered in the eventual demise of the … Read More >>>